Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Marine Corps League Detachment #729 Pistol Team Postal Bullseye Competition


I can attest to the improved clarity of the sight picture when using your product. I am a member of the Marine Corps League Detachment #729 Pistol Team and use the Eye-Pal. I have improved my bullseye accuracy particularly with a cleaner definition of the front sight derived from your product. Recently we competed in the Postal Bullseye Competition and our team won second place in the National Match and I placed first in the Detachment in the Expert classification. Most of our shooters now use the Eye-Pal as we are getting older and are losing the visual acuity we once enjoyed.

Your product is great and appreciate the customer support you provide.

Semper Fi,


Monday, May 13, 2019

EyePalUSA.com email Feedback

Iron sighters of all ages,

Today I did what I call a my email  "Thank You". I do this every month to all my customers who bought EyePal kits through our EyePalUSAdotCom website.

Here's an example of the email I sent out today and a response;

Hello all,
I’m certain that you will find a big improvement in your new sight picture. If you’re really happy with your results using EyePal, please send an image of your new groups along with your vision challenges and I’ll post it on my EyePal blogs and website feedback column.
Can you tell me where you found EyePal? Your feedback helps with my marketing efforts.
If you lose any of the EyePal apertures, I will replace them free of charge.
If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to call or email me.
Tighter groups,

Hey Charlie, Thanks for reaching out. 
I was looking for a different device and found EyePal online. 
Bought a set and gave them to my teammates. We recently shot the All Navy and Pacific Fleet National Matches and the Captain said his score improved by 15 points with EyePal. We gave one to the Marine gunsmith. He shot the EIC course with it and was thrilled with the results. 

EyePal performs as advertised. The best peep sight for your Rx glasses with a reasonable price point and it's guaranteed.